Monday, July 7, 2014

Technology and its Effects to Society


The term technology is derived from the Greek term technologia which means systematic. Technology is known as the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes. Technology uses the concepts of and ideas of in science to develop products that assist people in their daily lives. Technology can also be used to solve pressing problems that we encounter.
Laser is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. It has long been used to encode and decode CDs and DVDs, cut glass and steel and study the composition of the atmosphere. Today, it is used to repair the torn retina of the eye, bore holes in the skull and cauterize blocked blood vessels. This technology has made bloodless operations possible. Laser has become a valuable tool for industry, communication and medicine.

CT and MRI Scanners
CT or CAT is an acronym for Computerized Axial Tomography. Using a type of an X-ray device, it can detect disorders of soft internal organ tissues in the body. On the other hand, Magnetic Resonance imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET) are other forms of imaging can produce pictures of the interior parts of the body by using the magnetic properties of substances in the bodies.

Information and Communications Technology
            The presence of mobile phones, social networking, email and the Internet made communications worldwide more accessible. Computers have also shrunk in size from roomful of metal boxes to little pads the size of a sheet of paper and as thick as a box of matches. Today, it is quite difficult to distinguish a telephone from a computer because they are now founding one device.
            Satellite communication is another important dimension of technology. Satellite TVs and satellite radios have eased the broadcasting of events across the globe.

Selective Breeding
            Through practical application of genetic principles, plant breeders increase yields, develop cross resistant to diseases and enhance nutritional value of fruits and vegetables. Biotechnology has also improved the traits and characteristics of crops that are useful for storage, shipping, and food processing.

Food Preservation
            Food preservation is one application of science that is very helpful. For a country like the Philippines where a lot of foods are seasonal, this means lesser loss from spoilage. The shelf life of food is prolonged, making more food available to people over a long period of time.

Effects of Science and Technology on Society

            Science and Technology have influenced much of our lives. The fruits of research from the different fields of science have made people’s lives more convenient. Technology has definitely benefited society. The automation brought about by technology has saved human effort and time to a large extent. It has brought distant places closer and simplified information access.

            However, some products of science have also caused human society pain and destruction. Technology was also responsible for weapons and bombs that brought violence within and among nations. In 1945, during the World War II, nuclear energy was used to bring Japan to its knees through the atomic bombing in the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Over 200,000 people died in the bombing.

            Another problem is the development of nuclear energy as source of power for homes, trains, and submarines. The worst nuclear power plant accident happened in Ukraine, the Chernobyl disaster, on April 26, 1986. An explosion and fire released large quantities of radioactive contamination in the atmosphere. The Russian publication concluded that more than 985,000 deaths occurred between 1986 and 2004 as a result of contamination.

            One of the biggest problems is pollution, especially water and air pollution. Pollution is not a product of science. It is just an after-effect. The burning of fossil fuels causes the degradation of our environment because of air pollution. Furthermore, as we become a material-based society where everything is made up of something produced by people, we create large amounts of waste. Since products are cheap, it is better to get new items rather than reuse or repair old and broken ones. We have become a “disposable society” that also contributes to the worldwide solid waste problem.

            The bottom line is that there are positive and negative effects in everything that concerns about science and technology, but it is up to humans, as consumers of these two, to choose how they will be used.

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